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Kertigép, -szerszám, -eszközök
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Nextool multifunkciós szerszám (NE20045)
9 660 Ft
Multitool black knight + bit set Nextool NE20045
The NE20045 multitool from Nextool contains up to 15 practical tools that you can always have with you. These are both specialist tools that will help you with finishing works and DIY, as well as elements for everyday use - such as a bottle opener or a file.
Functionality first and foremost
The NE20044 model is equipped with 15 practical tools, enabling you to carry out both everyday and more specialized tasks. There are, for example, 2 types of pliers, a cable cutter, a file, wood saw and scissors (all of which are listed in the specifications). What's more, there are also 10 different bits included to give you even more options.
Compact design
The multitool is relatively small (104 x 44 mm), which allows you to take it with you virtually anywhere. This way you can be sure that you will always be prepared to quickly fix a malfunction, open a bottle or untie a problematic knot. Bet on many possibilities in one package - always in your pocket!
Set includes:
Carrying case
10 bits (H3 / H4 / H5 / Flathead screwdriver #3 / Flathead screwdriver #5 / Flathead screwdriver #7 / Phillips screwdriver PH1 / Phillips screwdriver PH2 / Phillips screwdriver PH3 / Sleeve)
Number of tools
Available tools
Needle-nose pliers / Regular pliers / Wire cutter / Hard wire cutter / Knife / Awl / Bottle opener / Flat screwdriver / Scissors / Wood saw / Phillips screwdriver / Knot untie tool / File / Serrated knife / Lock
Dimensions (assembled)
104 x 44 mm
Nextool multifunkciós szerszám (NE20120)
13 880 Ft
16 in 1 Nextool multitool NE20120
Do you need a reliable, handy set of tools that will make your everyday activities easier? The Nextool multitool is just for you! The NE20120 will give you access to up to 16 tools, such as pliers, screwdrivers, cutters. The highest quality materials have been used in production, without sacrificing compact design.
16 tools in your pocket
The NE20120 model provides access to as many as 16 different tools, including 2 types of pliers, cable cutters, screwdrivers or a bottle opener. The compact design of the tool allows you to always have it with you without feeling heavy. A list of all available tools can be found in the specifications at the bottom of the page.
Also for special applications
The classic and needle-nose pliers deserve special mention. These make it easy to twist steel wires or tighten screws with large heads. You also have access to 3 different types of cable cutters. With this tool you can easily cut through 1.6 or 2.5 mm cables (steel and electric). Opt for versatility without sacrificing quality!
Top-class materials
Top-quality materials were used in the production of NE20120, resulting in high strength and resistance to impact and wear. The tool is made mainly of stainless steel 420J1 class, and the blade of special 50Cr15MoV variety. Using the best components makes this Multitool reliable and extremely durable - it will serve you for many years.
Set includes:
Carrying case
2 x spare wire blade
2 x spare screw
Number of tools
Available tools
Needle nose pliers / Regular pliers / Replaceable wire cutters / Replaceable hard-wire cutters / Thick-wire cutters / Ruler / Saw / Knife / Bottle opener / Glass breaker / Wire stripper / Flat screwdriver / Phillips screwdriver / Line cutter / Bicycle spoke spanner / Scissors
Main material
Blade material
Dimensions (folded)
110 x 40 x 21.5 mm
Nextool multifunkciós szerszám (NE20131)
10 510 Ft
Nextool multitool NE20131 9in1
Are you looking for a handy tool set that will make your daily life easier? Opt for the Nextool NE20131 multitool, which combines the function of 9 different tools and will come in handy in many different situations. It includes, among others, a wrench, needle-nose pliers and classic pliers, a knife or a saw. Lightweight and handy, it does not cause any problems in transportation, so you can always have it with you.
Nextool NE20131 combines 9 multifunctional tools that will come in handy when doing everyday chores, renovations or small repairs. At your disposal are needle-nose and classic pliers, a cable cutter for regular and thick cables, as well as a saw. You can also use a wrench with adjustable span (up to 20 mm), a knife, a Phillips screwdriver and a flathead screwdriver.
Solid workmanship
The multitool is made of high-quality 30Cr13 stainless steel, which is resistant to wear and corrosion. The low weight and compact design are also a plus, as the product dimensions are 133 x 40.5 x 20 mm. What's more, you will find in the set a practical case, which will allow you to store the multitool comfortably and safely.
Number of instruments
Available instruments
Needle nose pliers / classic pliers / cable cutter / thick cable cutter / saw / wrench / knife / Phillips screwdriver / flathead screwdriver
Dimensions (assembled product)
133 x 40.5 x 20 mm
Nextool multifunkciós mini zsebkés (NE0142)
3 430 Ft
Multifunction mini pocket knife Nextool NE0142(red)
The Nextool NE0142 is a multifunctional pocket knife with a small size that will give you access to many practical tools. These include scissors, file or flat screwdriver. Extremely compact design ensures that you can fit it even in your pocket, and high-quality materials support high durability.
Many possibilities
The pocket knife is equipped with a number of useful elements that will facilitate the performance of daily activities. Thanks to this, you will gain access to tools that you would not be able to take with you separately. NE0142 is a combination of functionality and convenience.
Compact design
The design of NE0142 makes it easy to fit it even in your pocket. Equip yourself with a practical set of the most necessary tools, which you can always carry with you. The pocket knife has also a special ring, which allows you to attach it to the keys. The product is available in 3 color variants - black, red and green.
Available tools
Scissors / knife / file / flathead screwdriver / key chain
Main material
Aluminium alloy 5052
Blade material
Stainless steel 420J2
64.5 x 18.3 x 7.8 mm
Open lenght
152 mm
Closed length
64.5 mm
29 g