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Anlan ultrahangos arcmasszírozó fényterápiával (01-ADRY15-001)
18 750 Ft
Ultrasonic facial massager with light therapy ANLAN 01-ADRY15-001
Do you want to take care of your skin, but still lack the time for detailed care? With the ultrasonic face massager from ANLAN, five minutes a day is enough to properly take care of your complexion and get satisfactory results. Operation of the device is incredibly simple and you can easily adjust the work of the massager to your needs, and you can choose from up to 4 care modes, 3 types of phototherapy and 3 levels of temperature. Thanks to the powerful battery, the device will serve you for a long time.
Effective facial cleansing
If you are struggling with acne, excess visible pores or your skin has a grayish tint, think about changing your cleansing method. When washing your face by hand doesn't bring the desired results, take advantage of the possibilities offered by ANLAN's ultrasonic facial massager. A warm compress (temperature of 38°C / 40°C / 42°C) will effectively open the pores and improve the condition of your skin. On the other hand, a cold compress (temperature of 6°C / 8°C / 10°C) will narrow the pores, make the skin more elastic and increase the effectiveness of the skin care cosmetics used.
Light therapy
Feel like you're in a spa and perform phototherapy yourself. ANLAN ultrasonic massager provides as many as 3 types of light therapy. If you want to make your skin more flexible and eliminate wrinkles, use the red light. For effective acne control, maximum skin cleansing and elimination of bacteria, use the blue light. The last of the lights - green - improves microcirculation, eliminates puffiness and reduces sebum secretion.
Skin lifting at home
Are you noticing wrinkles appearing more and more often? Or perhaps your skin is weakened and less elastic? You don't have to make an appointment for expensive treatments to solve these problems. The EMS micro-currents that the ANLAN massager uses penetrate deep into your muscles to help make your skin more elastic and regenerate. After just 7 days of regular use (2x a day, 10 to 15 minutes) you will enjoy a healthy and youthful appearance!
One device, many uses
ANLAN's ultrasonic facial massager has so many functions that it replaces as many as 5 different skin care devices. You can use the product to perform phototherapy, deep cleanse your skin, make compresses or even slim your face. And these are still not all the capabilities of the device! The mode of operation using ions and high-frequency vibrations will ensure that the nutrients of the skin care products used will reach the deepest layers of the skin, so you will enjoy a flawless complexion. Remember to wash off your makeup thoroughly before using the massager.
Thoughtful design
The LED display will inform you about the working status of the ANLAN device. You will easily check the temperature level or the battery charge, among other things. The time needed to charge the massager is about 3 hours. Using the device will not cause you any trouble. In addition, the massager fits perfectly in your hand, so you will not feel any discomfort while taking care of your skin. A special stand is included, which allows you to store the product conveniently and safely. Every effort has been made to make the use of the ANLAN massager effective and comfortable.
Ultrasonic facial massager with light therapy
Cosmetic pad ring
Cosmetic pad
USB-C charging cable
User manual
ABS + stainless steel
179 x 60 x 61 mm
195 g
Vibration frequency
8000 RPM
Light wavelength
Red light 622 nm Blue light 467 nm Green light 523 nm
Battery capacity
1000 mAh
Charging time
3 h
Usage time
approximately 62 minutes
Automatically power off
Clean, EMS, Moist mode: 5 minutes Cool mode: 2 minutes
Beurer TL 30 napfénylámpa
21 760 Ft
Tulajdonságok: Jó közérzetet biztosít testnek és léleknek Ideális az asztalon vagy a lakás bármely pontján Kompakt méret a LED technológia révén Kivételesen világos és egyenletes megvilágítást Fény intenzitása: kb. 10.000 Lux Villódzásmentes és UV-mentes Kitámasztó karral Vízszintes vagy függőleges alkalmazás Kényelmes egygombos működtetés Gyógyászati termék Világítás terület: 20 x 12 cm Méret: 236 x 156 x 26 mm
Anlan vízálló maszk fényterápiával (01-AGZMZ21-04E)
19 570 Ft
ANLAN 01-AGZMZ21-04E waterproof mask with light therapy
Think skin care is cumbersome? With ANLAN's waterproof mask, that's about to change! You can easily choose the right light therapy for your skin from as many as 5 types. Effortlessly and efficiently combat acne, wrinkles, skin discoloration, or problems with elasticity and dryness. You will also independently choose the temperature (38°C / 40°C / 42° C) and set a smart timer. The product features IPX7 water resistance, so you can easily clean it. All for your convenience!
Little effort, big results
There is no skin problem that the ANLAN mask can't handle! Use of the product will make acne scars or constantly arriving wrinkles a thing of the past. Your skin will be firmer and brighter. You will forget about bothersome redness and enjoy a flawless complexion. Find out how easy you can get the desired results!
Awaken your skin
You don't have to leave the house to give your skin professional care. The waterproof mask by ANLAN is equipped with 59 lamps and offers up to 5 types of LED light treatments. Red light slows down skin aging, eliminates wrinkles, improves blood flow and restores elasticity. Green light effectively heals scars and spots and reduces melanin production. Another of the lights - yellow - restores uniform skin color, reduces skin sensitivity and brightens the skin. Blue light has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, and violet light helps treat skin inflammation and provides effective regeneration of acne scars.
Soothing compresses
Feel like you're in a spa and relax by providing your skin with a hot compress. You can choose the most suitable temperature for you (38°C / 40°C / 42°C). This will effectively open your pores and the nutrients of the skin care products you use will be better absorbed, ensuring the best possible results. To improve the process of penetration of the serum into the right layer of the skin, use the compress together with a moisturizing mask.
4 steps of perfect skin care
To achieve the skin care results you dream of, you must follow the right sequence of steps. Start by thoroughly cleansing your face. When your skin is sufficiently clean - apply the chosen sheet mask to your face. The next step is to apply a waterproof mask by ANLAN and choose a light therapy color. After this process you can enjoy the stunning results!
For the sake of your convenience
With the ANLAN mask, you can take care of your complexion while fulfilling your household chores or devoting yourself to entertainment. The silicone light shield will effectively protect your eyes. For greater convenience of use, you can take advantage of a smart timer, thanks to which the mask will automatically turn off after 15 minutes. Waterproof to IPX7 level, the mask can be cleaned effortlessly, and the included bag will allow you to store the product easily and safely.
Waterproof mask x1
Silicone light shield x1
AC adapter x1
Attachment strap x2
Storage bag x1
User manual x1
Light wavelength
Red light 622 nm ± 5 Green light 530 nm ± 5 Yellow light 577 nm ± 5 Blue light 470 nm ± 5 Violet light 380 nm±5
Temperature range
Level 1 38°C Level 2 40°C Level 3 42°C
AC adapter input voltage
100-240 V (50/60 Hz)
Power supply output voltage
5 V / 2 A
Mask input voltage
5 V / 2 A
10 W
Automatic shutdown
after about 15 min.
Approximately 290 x 220 x 5 mm
Cable length
Approximately 140 cm
ANLAN 04-AJMJ14-001 Elektromos fűtött szempilla-göndörítő fehér
6 410 Ft
Electric eyelash curler ANLAN 04-AJMJ14-001 (white)
Are you dreaming of long, curled eyelashes? Anlan's electric eyelash curler will transform your look for a long time! Forget about expensive treatments! The device offers 2 temperature levels suitable for both weaker and thicker hair. It curls eyelashes at the root, providing a lift and curl effect for 24 hours. The lash curler is easy to use, with a single charge for up to 60 days of use. Several safety features make using it risk-free. It's lightweight, handy and easy to clean, and you'll be able to replenish its energy using the USB-C cable you'll find in the kit. Make friends with Anlan and endow everyone with a flirtatious look!
Instant heating
With the use of heat, you'll quickly get the effect of a captivating look. The lighter offers 2 levels of heating - the lower temperature (50℃) will work great with weaker and thinner hair. The second stage (60℃) effectively curls thicker, more difficult to style hair. It only takes 10 seconds for it to be fully ready for use - you won't have any doubts, because when the device reaches the right temperature, the silicone roller will turn from dark pink to light.
Eyelashes curled at the root
The silicone roller is designed to adhere even better to the lash line. This allows the eyelash curler to evenly grip the hairs at the root, providing a spreading lash fan effect. Curl them, then color them and impress with a sensual look.
Created with convenience in mind
The ergonomic design makes the eyelash curler extremely comfortable to use and is ideal even for novice users. It's easy to clean, so it's sure to last you even longer! The eyeliner is lightweight and handy - it will fit in your makeup bag, so you will surely take it on more than one trip!
Efficient and safe
Anlan's lure is equipped with a powerful battery, whose capacity is as much as 400 mAh. A single charge allows up to 60 days of work. Its energy will be replenished with the USB-C cable, which you will find in the set. The device is equipped with an NTC temperature control system and a smart sensor, thanks to which the hairdresser automatically shuts off after 5 minutes. Anlan is a guarantee of safety!
Electric hairdresser
Charging cable
ABS + silicone
220 x 125 x 81 mm
Rated voltage
Battery capacity
3.7 V 400 mAh
Charging time
about 90 min
Automatic switch off
yes, after about 5 min
Operating time
At lower temperature 90 min/ at higher temperature 70 min
Warm-up time
about 10 sec
Temperature levels
Level 1 50℃ ; level 2 60℃